Una nueva mirada en la mediación pedagógica al encuentro con el sentido del aprendizaje en los procesos educativos

encuentro con el sentido del aprendizaje en los procesos educativos 165 register (academic language vs. social language; word choice); providing demonstrations of language in use (e.g., model student essays, sample completed projects). Evaluate what students know and what they do not know, in real time. Use quick comprehension checks during a lesson to gauge how the class is doing. Some group response activities include: Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down, response boards (all students respond individually on a dry-erase board or sheet of paper and show the teacher), 3-2-1 for Self-Assessment, and technology options (websites and apps) using handheld devices or tablets. Acquire information about students’ progress; record the results of interactions (e.g., correct and incorrect uses of English) in an anecdotal way, use a checklist, or change student grouping patterns and/or partners, depending on their newly developing proficiency. Present a mini-lesson on the topic for the whole class or work with a small group of learners who need the support when errors are not part of the language development process. Deliver feedback strategically and in a timely manner, in response to a learner’s error. It is important that the feedback be specific and related to what learners are doing well in addition to what they can improve. Private feedback is appreciated by all students. Bibliographical references Almagro, A. (2002). How Useful are Textbooks? Odisea , 39-47. Alsayed, M. (2003). Factors That Contribute to Success in Learning English as a Foreign Language Damascus University Journal , 21-44. Asmawi, A., Boset, S., & N, A. (2017). A Conceptual Analysis of the Factors Affecting EFL Teachers’ Professional Performance. International Journal of Language Education and Applied Linguistics (IJLEAL) , 65-73. Bonilla, A., & Espinoza, J. (2014). The Use of Technological Tools in the EFL Class. Revista de Lenguas Modernas , 427-434. Bratanych, O. (2017). Self-Directed Learning of English For Specific Purposes (Business English) As Powerful Pedagogical Tool In The Context Of Economic University. Periodyk Naukowy Akademii Polonijnej , 117-125. Chamberlain, D., & Baumgardner, R. (1988). ESP in the Classroom: Practice and Evaluation. Hong Kong: Modern English Publications. Classbase. (2018, January 14). Classbase . Retrieved from: https://www.classbase.com/Countries/Costa-Rica/Grading-System Creswell, J. (2009). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. Dailey, A. (2009). Key Motivational Factors and How Teachers Can Encourage Motivation in their Students. University of Birmingham , 1-24. Education, C. D. (2011). Effective School Practices (ESP) Review Report for Metro Elementary School 1. Colorado: Colorado Department of Education.

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