Una nueva mirada en la mediación pedagógica al encuentro con el sentido del aprendizaje en los procesos educativos

Universidad Nacional: Una nueva mirada en la mediación pedagógica al 36 integrar las TIC dentro del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje, reconociendo su papel protagónico y la gran utilidad de estas, a nivel relacional y con fines educativos como plataforma para la masificación de su utilización e incorporación en la vida cotidiana. El uso de las TIC y los recursos multimedia realimentan todos los procesos de desarrollo dentro y fuera del salón clases, como fuente generadora de conocimientos y experiencias personales y colaborativas de otros aprendientes o expertos en la materia. Es importante mencionar que la enorme cantidad de flujo de información presente en la web complementa, refuerza y hace más fácil la cotidianidad en cualquier salón de clases, o fuera de este, generando espacios más interactivos, participativos y dinámicos, pero sobre todo estudiantes con más interés de aprender. Palabras claves: TIC, Innovación, sociedad del conocimiento, apropiación digital, educando, docente. Abstract The introduction of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) into a socio-cultural context has had a great impact on the educational field during the last few years. The use of the Internet and the ICT, as educational tools, have offered students the possibility to learn and acquire new knowledge, starting from the most basic lessons to the most sophisticated and complex ones of the different areas of knowledge. Traditionally, during the teaching and learning process, it has been common to spot a majority of educators avoid going beyond the use of textbooks, printed materials (copies), and /or the board, tactical elements that have been popularized for many years as the teachers’ strategies and allies when teaching a class. The constant and massive requirements of modern academic schools, and considering the recent and growing technological advances, are having teachers take gigantic steps and drive themselves into the world of knowledge and innovation, whose objective is to motivate and inspire students to feel safe in a mutual, educational environment and to become self-taught and responsible learners. In fact, it is here where the objective of integrating ICT into the teaching and learning process emerges, recognizing their fundamental role and the great usefulness they have at a relational level – with educational purposes; ICT are considered as valuable platforms, which lead educators to expand their use and, of course, get to know how such platforms can be incorporated in people’s everyday lives. The use of ICT and multimedia resources replenishes all the developmental processes inside and outside the classroom setting, as generating sources of knowledge and personal, collaborative experiences for students who can learn from their peers and teachers or experts on the matter. It is important to mention that the huge influx of information, available on the web, complements, reinforces, and eases the everyday use of such info inside and outside the classroom; it also creates more interactive, participative, and dynamic learning situations, and above all, it causes students to be more engaged and interested in learning from every opportunity that is given to them. Key words: ICT, technological innovations, knowledge society, digital appropriation, educating, teacher.

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